Well, this will make Auntie Pool's day for sure! But there are a couple of factual things you need to know. 1), Grandma Dorothy died ad 99 3/4. I cajoled her to make it to 100 and get a letter from the President (Bush2 at the time) and her retort was "I do NOT want a letter from that man so I will die before that!" Which of course she did. 2) You left out the fact that my mother, who started with hand grating and knuckle blood of her own, graduated to shredding in the Cuisinart and now has adopted your practice of purchasing the potatoes to avoid all the work (particularly the squeezing), all because of your insights. So the mitzvah statement is well deserved. 3) The smell of the frying does not only cling to your clothes but will invade your entire house for at least a week, even with windows and doors open. Be warned! Much love for continuing on the family traditions!

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I thought she had claimed to be 98? Was trying to give her the grace of describing her as she described herself. As Grandma Joanne would say, the truths are more important than the facts...

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This Irish grandmother will have to give this a try!

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My grandmother was like yours, famous though mostly for her baking and of course there were no written recipes. My mother decided to try to get her strudel recipe down by baking it with her. There were no cup of this and that, just handfuls. So my mother had her pad of paper and measuring utensils. Problem was, she was dealing with my quite caustic grandmother with very little patience for the questions and time being used during the process. By the time my grandma called my mom stupid for the third time by not intrinsically understanding what to do, the experiment was done. No strudel has been made by the family since.

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